Healthy Smoothies- Autumn Apple Smoothie What speaks more lusciously about autumn than sweet apples and spices? This healthy smoothies recipe results in a naturally sweet drink, making it perfect for breakfast time or an afternoon dessert. Talk about getting your day’s nutrients in one glass! If…
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Healthy Chocolate Milkshake I’ve always strongly believed in listening to our body’s natural cravings and satisfying them properly to avoid unhealthy binges. About a week before “that time of the month” I often find myself craving chocolate and milk- a signal that my body is…
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Iced Matcha Latté a.k.a Iced Green Tea Latté It’s hard to tell by now whether Matcha Latté a.k.a. Green Tea Latté actually existed in Japan first and was brought around the world or vice versa. After all, dairy products traditionally were not consumed in large…
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Iced Mocha- Healthy Coffee Drinks Unbeknownst to many people, Mocha is not actually the blended coffee drink (typically with chocolate and milk) that has become ubiquitous across America and Asia. Mocha is in fact a type of coffee bean with a characteristic bold and slightly…
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