Best Moisturizers- Shiseido Bio-Performance Lift Dynamic Cream One of the many hats I wear in my businesses is product reviewer and with this fun but oft jeopardous job, I get to enjoy those moments of discovering a product that is a game changer. Shiseido’s Bio-Performance…
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Shiseido Rouge Rouge Lipsticks With the now many skincare and make-up product reviews I’ve been privileged to work on over the last few years, it surprises even me that this is my first one naming a lipstick to AsianFusion’s list of Best Products in the…
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Shiseido Urban Environment Tinted UV Protector SPF 43 – Tinted Sunscreen As a serious skincare aficionado, I learned the hard way that sunscreen is by far the #1 most important skincare product we need to use anytime we leave the house. I have been extremely…
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Shiseido White Lucent MultiBright Night Cream I remember my Mother introducing me to Shiseido when I was a teenager and as most teenagers are, I was annoyed at her incessant nagging over keeping a good skincare regimen. Of course, years later now, I’m eternally grateful…
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Best Serum 2016- Shiseido Bio-Performance Lift Dynamic Serum As a skincare-obsessed woman, I have encountered countless products throughout my life, especially during my time as a features-writer for AsianFusionGirl. There are quite a few products out there that are great at what they do and…
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Shiseido Lash Serum & Mascara- long lashes with no side effects Every woman who is passionate about or has a barebones interest in make-up knows that the right mascara can often stand alone and/or greatly enhances your overall appearance. Nothing perks up a face like…
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Shiseido White Lucent Power Brightening Mask Sometimes, no matter how religious we are about good skincare habits and good eating habits, the grind of everyday life can take its toll on our facial skin. Maybe it was a few nights of mediocre sleep or a…
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Shiseido Face Color Enhancing Trio (Shiseido Face Color Enhancing Trio in Apple pictured to the left) Those of you familiar with me know that I’ve long stood staunchly against plastic surgery and have spoken out against it numerous occasions. World famous as the plastic surgery…
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6 Beauty Must-Haves To Stay Chic In The Heat Spring flowers are blooming and summer is just around the corner. What are 2014’s skincare essentials to stay chic in the heat? Here are 6 suggestions to combat an ugly meltdown. Stay hydrated and protected for…
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Shiseido Men’s Energizing Formula- Best Skincare For Men Throughout my life, I have always had oily skin, which is of course, a blessing and a curse. It has been a decades-long struggle to find the appropriate moisturizer that provides my ever growing need for moisture as I grow…
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