Vital Proteins Collagen Supplement In this day and age, you’ve most likely read or heard about the importance of collagen in regards to both maintaining a youthful appearance and for many of our body functions to continue the way they’re supposed to into old age.…
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5 Tips on How to Fight Jet Lag Even when you fly on the world’s best airlines, (like my personal favorite pictured above- Singapore Airlines), you can still be susceptible to the woes of jet lag. From changing time zones to the general stress of…
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Winter Hair Care- DIY Deep Conditioner Our bodies change with the seasons and so should our hair care methods. The same shampoo and conditioner you use during hot summer months shouldn’t be used for harsh, cold winters. If, like me, your hair feels parched and…
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Natural Insect Repellent I have had my share of trekking through Indonesian rain forests and Brazilian farms and am far more acquainted with the consortium of global bugs than I’d like to be. It is of course, all part of the experience of traveling- encountering…
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Aloe Vera Helps Hair Growth- Natural Ways To Grow Hair Aloe Vera is widely used throughout the world in cosmetics, medicine and even in beverages. Though the plant’s origins are thought to be in northern Africa, today it is arguably most popular in Asia. Asians…
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8 Tips To A Less Stressed Life Who in the modern world does not know the feeling of being stressed? Whatever your job may be, whatever level of income, wherever you live, you know exactly how it feels to have those moments in life when…
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Is Noise Pollution Making You Sick? Article By : Dr. Jessica Wu Is noise pollution making you sick? Have you noticed how loud it’s getting? In addition to car horns and leaf blowers on the street, now we have earbuds and wall-shaking sound systems in…
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Why Do I Have Freckles? Article By: Dr. Jessica Wu Freckles may be cute on children – and on such beauties as Lucy Liu, Rashida Jones and Emma Stone – but are they a sign of sun damage? Why do some people have them while…
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Dealing with Anxiety- Relaxation Meditation At any point during the year, but especially so during holidays for many people, anxiety is a serious situation that can be paralyzing or cause headaches, body aches and breathing problems. The quickest and simplest way to deal with anxiety,…
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How to Stop Pain & Negative Emotions Article By: Urapa Nontasut Some people have asked me how they can stop feeling pain and negative emotions. Here are 3 things I do. 1. Acknowledge your negative emotions It is healthy to acknowledge your negative emotions. Don’t…
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The Truth About Caffeine Article By: @MayKingTea As a child I remember playing the game Chinese Whispers and it was always a lot of fun at the end of the game when we discover what was originally said compared to what was finally said. I…
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