Phyto Hair Masks There is a little known saying in the beauty world, “often the best brands are the ones you’ve never heard of.” Phyto is one such brand that is not ubiquitous in department stores and does not spend copious amounts on advertising campaigns.…
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Nelson J Hair Argan Oil 7 Moisture Healing Hair Mask Since spending many days in Bali and Thailand throughout my teenage years and 20’s, I became obsessed with traditional methods of hair care. That is, using nature’s most potent ingredients to keep my long hair…
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6 Beauty Must-Haves To Stay Chic In The Heat Spring flowers are blooming and summer is just around the corner. What are 2014’s skincare essentials to stay chic in the heat? Here are 6 suggestions to combat an ugly meltdown. Stay hydrated and protected for…
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Winter Hair Care- DIY Deep Conditioner Our bodies change with the seasons and so should our hair care methods. The same shampoo and conditioner you use during hot summer months shouldn’t be used for harsh, cold winters. If, like me, your hair feels parched and…
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DIY Hair Conditioner Asian women have long had their traditional home remedies for all kinds of beauty and health treatments. One of my all time favorites is this one I came across in Bali many years ago. This is a deep conditioning treatment used for…
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