Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Gochujang Growing up partly in America, I learned to love Grilled Cheese sandwiches early on. It was a staple in school and at parties. As an adult, I developed a passion for many types of cheeses and occasionally still indulged in…
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Gochujang Korean Chili Paste Gochujang is a thick, deep red chili paste from Korea. Pungent from the fermented soybeans, Gochujang is also salty, somewhat sweet depending on the manufacturer and has varying degrees of spiciness. This paste is an indispensable ingredient in Korean kitchens, serving…
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Easy Asian Appetizers- Chicken & Vegetable Skewers Maybe I’m biased but I think a party isn’t a party without Asian appetizers in the mix and skewering meats and veggies are one of the easiest ways to have fun flavors while still eating healthy. The spicy…
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Sweet Potato Fries with Gochujang Sauce Sweet potatoes have long been a staple in Asia and South America and the craze with sweet potato fries is no surprise. After all, sweet potatoes do pack a wallop in vitamins, more so than their plain potato cousins.…
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