Butter Coffee- The Truth & A Simple Butter Coffee Recipe With this easy butter coffee recipe I want to set the record straight about this beverage’s origins because as of the writing of this (May 4, 2014), there is an enormous amount of misinformation circulating…
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No Nut Butter- Peanut Butter Alternative Ever since my teenage years, I’ve had a near-immediate reaction to eating peanuts- not the life threatening kind so many of you out there experience. Just good old fashioned pimples. Anytime I ate peanuts or peanut butter, the next…
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Butter Toast with Condensed Milk All over Asia, people love their snacks and street food. One of my all time favorite indulgences is this Sweet Butter Toast drizzled with condensed milk. Thick, dense Asian white bread is so good on its own and in this…
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Fresh Apple Butter I first came across apple butter in Savannah, Georgia during a wonderful afternoon tea where freshly baked scones were served with this delicious concoction I’d never had before. I asked the proprietor of the tea house what it was and she was…
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