DOB: n/a
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Ethnicity: Chinese
Occupation: Physician
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Dina’s Thoughts
One of the most highly acclaimed Asian American doctors, Dr. Kit Ka Hui is a pioneer in the field of integrative East West medicine. In a field with extreme and polarizing opinions regarding the validity of traditional Eastern medicine which includes acupuncture and acupressure, in his quiet but highly effective manner, Dr. Hui has left the arguments to others while he established UCLA’s Center for East West Medicine.
Internationally recognized for his expertise in internal medicine, geriatrics and acupuncture, Dr. Hui has worked tirelessly in his efforts towards creating a medical environment that encourages disease prevention and problem solving via a combination of state of the art Western medicine techniques and traditional Eastern medicine. He has brought global attention to an all together new method of health care, bringing the best of two vastly different approaches into a seamless and affordable experience for patients.
With his vast areas of knowledge, continued research and most importantly, his innovative thought process, Dr. Hui has saved many patients from death and certainly from needless suffering due to various ailments. With his many supporters, Dr. Hui will surely contribute even further to the field of medicine as well as educating those in the Western hemisphere about the power of Eastern medicine.
Ka-Kit Hui, M.D., F.A.C.P. is the Wallis Annenberg Professor in Integrative East-West Medicine and Founder and Director of the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine at the Department of Medicine of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He is also the Chair of the Collaborative Centers of Integrative Medicine at UCLA. Dr. Hui, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, is an internationally acclaimed scholar and board-certified in Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, with an expertise in Geriatrics. He is a recognized authority on Chinese Medicine and integrative medicine and is bi-lingual in Chinese and English.
Dr. Hui founded the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine in 1993, and it was one of the first integrative medicine centers in the United States. He developed a model system of comprehensive care that is a patient-centered, problem-solving approach emphasizing health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, and is safe, effective, affordable and accessible to all.
Most patients seeking care at the Clinic are referred by physicians in medicine, cardiology, pain, orthopedics, gastroenterology, pulmonology, or surgery for problems that have failed to respond to conventional medical therapies or intolerant of surgery or potent medications. Dr. Hui is assisted by a team of board-certified physicians and acupuncturists who have extensive knowledge of both western and Chinese medicine and work in unison at all stages of patient care.
Dr. Hui has worked with the National Institute of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Health Net, the pharmaceutical industry, medico-legal firms, and the media. He lectures and teaches nationally and internationally as Keynote Speaker, Visiting Professor, Program, and Session Chair for educational, governmental, and nonprofit organizations, including Hong Kong University, University of Sydney, RMIT, Beijing University of Chinese medicine, Stanford University, Kaiser-Permanente, Veterans Administration Health System, American Pain Society, Arthritis Foundation; and World Congress of Integrative Medicine among others. He has published over 100 professional articles, papers, abstracts and book chapters, in English and Chinese. He serves on the editorial boards of the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, Journal of Chinese Medicine, China Anesthesia and Analgesia, and eCAM Journal.
Dr. Hui has been awarded more than 35 grants in areas including integrative medicine, acupuncture, herbal medications, asthma, aging, autonomic system regulation; hypertension, heart failure, clinical pharmacology, and medical education. Recent grantors include the Susan B. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research; National Institutes of Health, Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation; and the Annenberg Foundation, among others.
Dr. Hui has designed innovative medical education programs in integrative East-West medicine and, in 12 years, has trained over one thousand first-year medical students, fourth-year medical students, residents, fellows and physicians. Seven of the Fellows are now staff physicians at the Center.
Dr. Hui has been featured in print, radio, television, cable news, and on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and the Discovery Channel. He has been featured on international TV in Hong Kong, China, Korea, Latin America, Finland, Australia, Italy and South and Central America.
Recently, Dr. Hui has launched an ambitious, multi-faceted China Initiative, an effort to build clinical, education, research and information dissemination programs in the field of integrative East-West medicine. Its components include: the UCLA Information Center for Integrative East-West Medicine; the Oral History Project; the Visiting Professor Program and the Visiting Scholars Program. Over the last two years, Dr. Hui has been awarded four professorships by several leading Chinese Medicine universities in China and in Hong Kong.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Dr. Hui earned his B.S. and M.D. degrees at UCLA. He completed his post-graduate training in Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at UCLA’s Hospitals and Clinics.
For more information, please check out the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine website at http://www.cewm.med.ucla.edu/ and our web portal at http://exploreim.ucla.edu/.